Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Day started out great! Had a wonderful MOPS meeting. Had lunch and earring making time with my Ruthe. Drove home in the sunshine listening to worship music and loving the day. Jordyn layed down for her nap with only one story, a kiss and a hug. THEN kids start arriving home from school. Cameron comes home first and it's pretty much World War III the moment he enters the door. I don't know what's up with that kid lately! Chase makes his entrance, eats a snack and quickly head out to the YMCA to work out. Jordyn's awake by the time and I need to run to the store to pick up a few items for a quick dinner. Jorydn is hysterical and I end up just picking her up and bringing her with me. Not until I was in the car driving to the store did I notice that he didn't have shoes on. I'm sure I looked like a great mom dragging my shoeless, green faced (from the sucker she ate after lunch which did not just wipe off!) kid through the store in the middle of February. I arrived home to one crying child, one angry one and one that was just glad I was home. In the ten minutes I was gone Elly had gotten the big scab ripped of her face, was convinced (due to my threats) that now she would have a scar and was hysterical. Cameron was oblivious claiming he didn't do anything wrong and wondering what he got for watching the girls..... I told him that he "got" to have dinner! I then got yelled at, cussed at and mocked. The girls and I ate alone. Cameron ate afterward by himself as he seemed to need that. Chase finally walked in after we were all done and the dishes had been done expected his dinner to be waiting for him (which it was). After the girls had taken their showers and soaked my just cleaned bathroom Jorydn ended the night by peeing her pants. Boy, this is fun! I miss my husband - my partner in this life! I took out a few loads of garbage, knowing that if it didn't do it now it would be missed by the garbage man tomorrow and on my way back in the house I noticed how my tulips are sprouting from the ground. Mind you we have pulled them all up and put weed block over the soil that they grew in. I had actually kind of forgotten about them. Yet there they were, back and stronger that ever! I was amazed at their resiliance! They get dug up, messed with, blocked, covered... yet they keep coming back....even stonger than before. Once upon a time I may have considered myself some kind of a petunia but these days I am more of a tulip. I say this knowing that I will wake up tomorrow morning with the struggles and trial of today a mere memory. I will be grateful for the air I breathe, the sun that shines, each moment I get to spend with my children, this beautiful life that I get to live and a God that is bigger that anything that my come along and try to "ruin" my day. Although today I was dug at, beat on, covered and forgotten I will get up tomorrow all the stronger for it. Yep, I'm definitely a tulip!

1 comment:

Kylie and crew. said...

Wow...that sounds intense! Great persective! Hang in there.