Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Remembering to enjoy the simple joys

I enrolled Madyson and Elly in a summer art class that was offered at their school for two weeks this summer. They started on Monday and while they were there it just just Jordyn and me for a couple of hours. At first I planned to just spend the time running errands and getting things caught up that I have been procrastinating about for weeks. But the weather was just sooo nice out and I had my baby all to myself. We ended up go to the school about 45 minutes early and just playing on all the toys and playground equipment. It was in those moments that I was reminded that I sometimes take these precious opportunities for granted. I look at Jordyn and wonder where the time has gone. How much have I just let slip by because I was "too busy" or had other things going on. She is growing up so quickly! Watching her run, play, laugh and smile is better that anything else in the world that I could be doing. Pure and simple she is my joy! So for myself, and all the other moms out there whose days seem to just slip by and there is always more to do just sit back and breathe. Enjoy each day because you will never get them back. The dishes can wait, you can clean the house tomorrow, one more day of dirty laundry won't make a difference.... but our babies continue to change from moment to moment and if we don't pay attention we may just miss it.
Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breathe away!
Love, Amy


Kylie and crew. said...

Great reminder friend!!!!

Sue Black said...


I loved your blog and your beyond your years wisdom! You will be truly blessed in life if you keep with that philosophy. We don't take our stuff with us, but I do believe what is on our heart goes with us!

Happy 4th! Am enjoying time with one of my favorite great nieces!

Aunt Sue