There is something that I have been wanting to get for my kids for the longest time - a new swingset! A few years ago our neighbors moved and "donated" their old (15+ years!) swingset to the kids to play on. I wasn't sure if they would even use it but we eventually had to take it to the dump for fear that it may actually deteriorate or flip over on top of them. I've talked to Terry about getting another one several times but he wasn't convinced that it would be worth it and I let it go at that.
Over the last 6 months I have been saving money here and there and putting it aside. I wasn't sure what I wanted to use it for but when summer hit and the kids desperately wanted to play outside my decision was easily made. Icounted up the money I had put away and it was actually a lot more that I expected. I spent the next few days scouring the internet for the best deal I could find. After deciding on one I talked to Terry and he was so impressed that I had saved the money for it he didn't even question it. We went down to Toys R Us that evening and and as he handed over the cash (for the VERY LAST one they had) he said "there goes my plasma TV, again......). The cashier responded by "but your kids with LOVE it!" He told me that he felt like a good dad when she said that to him.
We asked our great friends the Sexton's to come over and help us put it together. Shawn and Terry both had Friday off for the 4th of July so they spent ALL DAY Friday piecing it together. At the end of the day it was only half finished! They aren't kidding when they say "assembly required"! We spend the next day at the lake and celebrated the holiday. Sunday morning rolled around and after church the guys were at it again. By the end of the day all the hard work had paid off and we had a BEAUTIFUL swing set for the kids to play on. We have since spent HOURS outside enjoying the sun and each other. I love hearing my kids laugh, play and be carefree, just they way they are supposed to be. It reminds me that although Madyson is 9 1/2 (not they typical "swingset" age) patience always pays off. I so easily get discouraged when I look at other people's beautiful houses, fancy cars, boats, vacations......... and I think, "will I ever have that?" It's hard not to be envious! But in those simple moments of sunshine and swingsets I know more that ever the my God provides everything I need! He is so good and gracious - and I am blessed beyond measure!!! I have all I need, many of the things I want and all the time in the world for the rest!
Thanks again to Shawn and Ruthe! We love you guys!
Love - Amy
1 comment:
Beautifully written Amy! Your children will only be small for a short time and you absolutely hit the head on the nail about what is important in life!!!!!!! I love you more every day and I'm just so proud to be your mommy!
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