Thursday, June 18, 2009

Past, Present and Future

So as promised, a few pictures from the Sentinel High School Class of 1999 Ten Year Reunion!!! I have to say that all in all it was sadly disappointing. It was fun to hang out with the girls again and I am glad that I went. I'm not sure what I expected to get out of it, but I'm pretty sure that whatever it was I didn't get it. Or maybe I did! A chance to really see who I was and who I've become. It was almost as if some of the people that I went to school with were still living like they still were. I'm so happy with where I am at and what is to come for my family in the next 10 years.

Speaking of the future - Terry and I celebrated our 8th Anniversary on Tuesday! It really is hard to believe that 8 years have already gone by. I feel like we are still in our "honeymoon" stage and people often mistake us for newlyweds. We have to laugh at that as we tell them about our 6 children!!! But truly, I love him more every single day. He is the best friend that I have ever had and he makes me happier that I could have dreamed of. I get to be held and loved and told that I am beautiful every day of my life and I can't imagine anything better than that. As I said in my card to him this year, someday when were are old, wrinkly and fat I will still look at him and love him just a little more each day. I look forward to the next 50 years with the best man in the world!

Today was officially Elly's last day of Kindergarten - until next year. For those of you who don't already know we have decided to continue on with another year of kindergarten . We actually made the decision last fall. She in a summer baby and won't turn 6 until next month so technically we enrolled her a little early. She went to a half day school this year and will go to a full day class (at big sister Madyson's school) next year. I was really struggling with my decision at the beginning of the year not sure if I had made the right choice or not. But our little Elly fit right in and did soooo well! I just got her final report card and she is at or above grade level in just about everything! I actually questioned sending her on to 1st grade next year but we think that one more year will give her "age" a chance to catch up with everyone elses. We are so very proud of her!!!

As I sat rocking my baby to sleep tonight I got a little weepy. Jordyn loves to be rocked and sang to at night. She is also 2 1/2 years old and I know that pretty soon she'll be a big girl that no longer needs mommy to rock her to sleep. It is thrilling and bittersweet to watch your children grown up. Seeing them experience all the miracles of this life is priceless. You feel so proud to see them become more and more independent but can't help feel a little helpless. There was a time in life when they depended on your for their every need. It is so hard to let go of that...... I feel like I am entering a new stage in my journey as a mother and I am both sad and excited. I look forward to the new things that we will be able to do together but I will miss the things that we no longer will do. But for those of you who have read the book "I'll Love You Forever" I think it'll be okay if sometimes I sneak into their rooms at night, get them out of bed and rock them in my arms singing " I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be". And for those of you who haven't read that book - DO IT!!!
Love to you all!

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