Sunday, November 18, 2007


Happy Halloween A little late I know considering that Thanksgiving is next week but..... well you know how it goes. Life has been just as busy as ever. Madyson and Elly in school and looking forward to a break next week. Jordyn turned 10 months old a couple days ago. I can't believe how the time has flown. She crawling all over and pulling herself up on things. I am not ready for her to start walking - then things will get really tough. Not much to tell you all about. Still taking things day by day. We have had a "eventful" year to say the least, but as I look at my 3 beautiful, healthy children, my husband who loves me, my friends and family far and near, and all the blessings God has given me I can easily see just how much I have to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Love, Amy

1 comment:

kkhutton said...

Amy, so beautifully said. We will miss seeing you this Thanksgiving but have a great time with your Mom. Don't spend too much shopping! --Karen